Weight Loss & Management

Learning to eat well, lose weight sustainable, and manage your weight effectively
Why lose weight?
Carrying excess weight can have serious health implications, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, as well as diabetes.
But the good news is that losing even a small amount can make a big difference to your health even losing just 5 – 10% of total body weight can have significant benefits, leading to improvement in glycaemic control, a reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Lose weight for good, should be with weight management program.
Whether or not you have diabetes or other health issues, losing weight is one of the very best things you can do for your health. But it can seem a daunting challenge. At Angeli clinic we’re here to provide all the expert help and support you need to develop – and follow – a truly personalised weight management program.
For most peoples, changes in diet and lifestyle produce excellent results. But, depending on your specific weight management issues and associated health problems, your personalised program may incorporate advanced Slim Body Meso 'Action Lipolytique' meso injection directly to the area that needed help to dissolve the resistant fat.
We can also provide expert advise by given you a gift card referral for free online consultancy and special promotion to the Adna Weight management clinic in Canada who has clients all over the world to make a personalised weight loss program for you, it is a good idea to have your blood test in hand too. Please use this code number 77121030 at the booking page for your free consultancy.

L'esthetc Slim Meso
injection directly to fat pocket to dissolve the fat cells.
recommended course of 3 to 6 session

Love handel
Knee Fat Pad
Double Chin
Saddlebag Hip Fat

What is Obesity?
obese is the person who's describes very overweight, with a lot of body fat.
BMI is a measure of whether you're a healthy weight for your height. You can use the BMI healthy weight calculator to work out your score.
BMI is a measure of whether you're a healthy weight for your height. You can use the BMI healthy weight calculator to work out your score.
BMI is not used to definitively diagnose obesity because people who are very muscular sometimes have a high BMI without excess fat.
But for most people, BMI is a useful indication of whether they're a healthy weight, overweight or obese.
For most adults, a BMI of:
30 to 39.9 means you're obese
18.5 to 24.9 means you're a healthy weight
40 or above means you're severely obese
25 to 29.9 means you're overweight
It's very important to take steps to tackle obesity because, as well as causing obvious physical changes, it can lead to a number of serious and potentially life-threatening conditions.
These include:
type 2 diabetes
coronary heart disease
some types of cancer, such as breast cancer and bowel cancer