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I.V Vitamins
Minerals Drip

Booster Shots

Vitamin  and mineral Drip



Why Choose IV Drip Therapy?

IV drip therapy delivers essential vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum absorption and effectiveness. This method ensures your body receives the full benefits of the nutrients, promoting vitality, energy, and overall well-being.

Our Vision

At our clinic, your health and individual needs come first. In an industry filled with new treatments, we prioritize safety, quality, and personalized care. Our team of experienced doctors, nurses, and nutritionists work together to create customized IV therapy plans tailored to your unique health goals.

Premium-Quality Products

We source our IV infusion products from Intravita, a trusted provider known for high-quality formulations. Our products are:

✅ GMO-Free
✅ Gluten-Free
✅ Hexane-Free
✅ Sugar-Free
✅ 100% Vegan & Free from Animal Derivatives

These infusions are classified by the MHRA as Borderline Medicines and are designed for supplementation only. They are not intended to treat medical conditions or make medical claims.

Personalized Health Approach

To ensure the best results, we recommend complementing IV therapy with a well-balanced nutritional program. We also offer optional blood tests before treatment, allowing us to tailor your infusion to your specific health needs.

After certain infusions, we may advise pausing oral vitamin supplements for 2 to 4 weeks to optimize absorption and effectiveness.



A very comprehensive formula;

Composition : Amino acids: Taurine, L-carnitine, L-Lysine, N-Acetyl Cysteine, L-Arginine, Nicotinamide, Dexpanthenol, Pyridoxine (B6), Zinc Gluconate, Calcium Chloride-Dihydrate, Folic Acid, Riboflavin 5)

Using for athletes prior to competition, for dancers/actors ( prior

performances): boost your energy in the short term, enhance

your ability It aids recovery and supports bone metabolism, while playing a significant role in glucose and insulin metabolism

Recommended treatment plan : one drip 2 weeks apart for 2 months, follow by 1 infusion every 3 month for a maintenance.


​Immune boost £250.00

This cocktail of B-complex with vitamin C is designed to boost your body’s natural defense mechanism as well as support the nervous system to protect your body through stressful periods. This program is popular for those who have digestive problems, who travel frequently or feel generally run down.

Recommended treatment plan : one drip 2 weeks apart for 2 months, follow by 1 infusion every 3 month for a maintenance.

Anti-ageing drip £250.00

Looking for a brighter, healthier glow? This drip will give you that boost to improve your skin tone and texture.Vitamin C, B complex, Glutathione and Collagen with antioxidants to help build and repair tissue making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, also for the immune system.

Recommended treatment plan: 1 x shot per week for 12 weeks only , then switch to a maintenance plan

Maintenance: 1-2 drips per month, maximum for 6 months, then a break for 6 month.


Skin Brightening £250.00

Alpha-lipoic acid, Glutathione, Ascorbic Acid (8G)

This infusion will make your skin more radiant, which helps cellular health, detoxes the body and eliminates any toxins in the liver. With Glutathione and a high dose of Vitamin C to help brighten your skin, this infusion reduces the overproduction of melanin thus decreasing pigmentation and subsequently lightening and brightening the complexion.

Recommended treatment plan : one drip 2 weeks apart for 2 months, follow by 1 infusion every 3 month for a maintenance.

Booster Shots are a single intramuscular injection

Fat Burner Shots          £70.00

Vitamin B12 short         £65.00

Vitamin  B Complex      £80

Vitamin D                    £65

Biotin Hair Rejuvenation            £80

CoQ10 recovery       Start From  £80


Vitamin Drip

Patient is having an Immune Booster IV Drip by qualified and experienced healthcare nurse, who is a specialist in "tailor made"  vitamin cocktail to the need of an individual.

Vitamin & Mineral Drip

Patient had her blood pressure checked while having a drip and, also, she has been under a  supervision at all time during this treatment.

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