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Someone getting their blood drawn for a test
Someone strapped up to a monitoring machine


                                                                                                   What is ECG


An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a medical test that detects cardiac (heart) abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart as it contracts. The machine that records the patient’s ECG is called an electrocardiograph.


The electrocardiograph records are electrical activity of the heart muscle, which displays this data as a trace on a screen or on paper. This data is then interpreted by a medical practitioner.

 Any irregularity in the heart rhythm or damage to the heart muscle can change the electrical activity of the heart so that the shape of the ECG is changed. 

One can be at risk of heart disease because there is a family history of heart disease, smoking, overweight, diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. ECG is the first step to check the heartbeat and to find out any irregularity if any.


They may also recommend an ECG if a person is experiencing symptoms such as:

  • chest pain

  • shortness of breath

  • dizziness

  • fainting, or 

  • fast/irregular heartbeats (palpitations). 

ECGs often performed to monitor health for people who have been diagnosed with heart problems, and help to assess artificial cardiac pacemakers or to monitor the effects of certain medications on the heart.

                                                                                     Why would I have this test?

An ECG is one of the most common heart tests. It is the only way of uncovering certain problems with the heart’s electrical impulses. There are a number of reasons why someone may have an ECG, including an irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath when they exert themselves, significantly high blood pressure, palpitations or a suspected heart valve problem. It can also be a useful way of ruling out problems. If your doctor recommends an ECG, think of it as a basic investigation.

                                                                                       What does the test involve?

You don’t need to do anything to prepare for an electrocardiogram

The ECG is a simple test, with 10 electrodes used to record 12 different views of your heart’s electrical activity. You don’t need to do anything to prepare for it. An electrode is attached to each ankle and wrist with sticky pads and six more are attached to the chest. The patient lies almost flat with the head and chest raised a little. Relaxing for a few minutes before the recording is made is important, as this allows the electrode connections to stabilise and means the ECG will be more reliable. During this time, your details can be recorded on the ECG machine.

                                                                                        How is an ECG carried out?

An ECG (electrocardiogram) is a safe and painless test which normally only takes a few minutes.

Leads from an electrocardiograph machine are attached to the skin on your arms, legs and chest using sticky patches. These leads read signals from your heart and send this information to the electrocardiograph. The machine then prints the reading on a paper strip or on a screen.

  • Resting ECG – if your doctor is interests in how your heart is working while you are at rest, you will be asked to lie down and relax while the heartbeat is being recorded.

Private ECG test         £ 105


                                                                                                           Blood Test

After the test

Only a small amount of blood is taken during the test so you shouldn't feel any significant after-effects.

However, very rear some people feel dizzy and faint during and after the test. If this has happened to you in the past, is better to inform the us before that.

After the test, you may have bruise in the area of needle entry but don't worry it will disappear whiting a few days.

Blood test results

After the blood sample has been taken, it will be sent to laboratory to be tested and The results are sent back to the hospital or to your GP. Some test results will be ready the same day or a few days later, although others may not be available for a few weeks. You'll be told when your results will be ready and how you'll be given them.

We will let you know if You need to make an appointment with the doctor to explain the result with you or if you need any more action to take.

Our Services:

DL2 Full blood count                                £150

  • Acute phase reactants (ESR +CRP)

  • Liver function tests

  • renal function tests

  • Cholesterol profile

  • Iron stores

Well Woman Profile DL2 plus                    £249

  • FT4/TSH

  • Ferritin

  • Vitamin D

Cardiovascular Profile                             £249

  • Cholesterol#

  • Triglyceride

  • HDL Cholesterol

  • LDL Cholesterol

  • Non-HDL Cholesterol

  • Apolipoprotein A

  • Apolipoprotein B

  • Lipoprotein (a)

  • hsCRP

  • Lp-PLA2 (PLAC)Test

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